
Then there was a time, in that hopeless place When I lay by your side, in your sweet embrace. Thinking about the future, thinking about the past. But never thinking how it would be, if that present won’t last. Then there was a moment, in that sacred place When I felt it was alright, it was god’s saving grace Seeing the world buzz by, surviving with everything at par But never feeling the feeling of you being afar Then there was a spark, in that enchanted place When I thought it was mine, your dazzling gaze Feeling your warmth, when your heart skipped a beat But never knowing how would I feel, if I were stripped off the heat Then there is this moment, of being incomplete and unsure Not knowing a saving grace, not having a shore When I realize what I had, when I took my life for granted But knowing I will never live, the life I loved and wanted Then there is this feeling, of being a man’s wife Knowing I can’t love him, still I have t...